Slim laptops arrive now without ethernet but only wifi, so that internet may not be initially available…
Create a USB debian install disk with main packets in it, that is not the internet version, as internet will not be initially available.
dd if=debian......iso of=/dev/sdZ bs=4M status=progress
Add a 3rd partition for various uses on /dev/sdZ3
- Standard install on debian, add EFI partition (512M), and remaining in a btrfs partition mounted on /
- To install more packets from USB /dev/sda1:
mount /dev/sda1 /media/cdrom/ update /apt/sources.list with : deb [trusted=yes] file:/media/cdrom/ stretch main apt update apt install vim
First check that network is available with :
ip a
To get the type of wifi available :
lspci -nn | grep -i network
Find the “good” driver (in some .deb maybe non-free), install it from apt, or maybe from an USB key with :
dpkg -i firmware-xxx
Get information and check it is in use with :
ip a iwconfig et si nécessaire : ip link set dev wlan0 up iwlist scan
Install networking with creating etc/systemd/network/
[Match] Name=wlp1s0 [Network] DHCP=yes
then /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlp1s0.conf
ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant network={ ssid="" # ssid="NETGEAR-3D" note : "" ok for any open network pririty=9 # necessary to force its use when key_mgmt=NONE key_mgmt=NONE } ## generated by wpa_passphrase [ ssid ] [ passphrase ] >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlp1s0.conf network={ ssid="PCmobile" #psk="1234567890" psk=c157baf19d12458176ced86fcb08fbe7c3704ef8ac3a4782392cae3b19cdf365 }
If a default domain is needed (“search domain” in old resolv.conf) set it in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf :
[Resolve] #DNS= #FallbackDNS=
Then :
systemctl stop networking.service systemctl disable networking.service systemctl enable systemd-networkd systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlp1s0 systemctl enable systemd-resolved systemctl start systemd-networkd systemctl start wpa_supplicant@wlp1s0 systemctl start systemd-resolved ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf